Thursday, February 23, 2006

Work is for Chumps...guess what I am?

For ten years now I have worked for the same company. In that amount of time I have called in sick, maybe three times, taken one vacation (1 week), worked countless hours of overtime, and went out of town for work sometimes for month's at a time.
I am not especially fond of work, or the sacrifices that one endures because of it, and I have decided at the grand old age of 34 that I am not a fan of it.
Now for those who've had a chance or an idea, to create, invent, or invest in something and have not, boo to you. Work sucks. Working for someone sucks more. I wish I would of had the brains and the guts to start a business of
of my own. Poor me
guess I had a bad day at work, I will get over it.


Laura The Crazy Mama said...

I love you. You are NOT a chump. I love you partly because you work to provide for us and that tells me how much you love us.

Turtle Town Press said...

Sorry to hear about your bad day. I work with lots of people who have bad days in my job. I hope it gets better. Hang in there. I've started two businesses on my own and it's so dang freaky crazy to be without health insurance or an income till it takes off...took two years for the first one to take off and well, I was out starting a second one by that time...then went back to the real world. The thing about starting your own biz is that you are constantly interviewing for your job...unless you're Bill Gates or something......well, 'splains why I'm blogging so much I guess. Not a lot of business so far...might have to go back the 9 to 5+++ thing. Work sucks. I just want to be independently wealthy myself. WHY couldn't I have been born a Hilton sister? Oh, thank goodness I wasn't. Thanks for bringing up this important topic.