Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I'm not pregnant, but my WIFE IS!

So let's think about this for a minute...wifey,(full blooded, red headed, German) 9 months pregnant, 4 other kids, and me. I put all that in there for one reason only. I just want my OLD wife back. The one whose back, feet, neck, legs and bladder does not constantly interfere with your so-called everyday activity. Now, I know what your thinking, "What a selfish husband thinking of only himself!" . But NO, ok yes a little bit, well that is who I am. Don't like it? Well huh, it is the way it is. By the way, I love my wife and I guess I am writing this because we are near the end of this pregnancy and I hate this part. The pain my wife has to endure, the no sleep for weeks (months?) (for my wife, not as much me), and the tough adjustment for my four children to the new angel of our household. That's all. I hate typing. But, it HAD to be said.

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