Friday, July 28, 2006

Pondering of this and that

When I was in high school I was actually quite intelligent. I know it is quite a shock. Especially when it came to math and science. I was a natural. I was the kid who never did homework, but yet aced every test and missed 68 days of school my senior year. AND PASSED with a b- average (would have been higher but I did zero home-work) .

Now back in the day I was a little bit of a country rowdy,

little country, a little city, and a lot rebel. A country rebel. Thus the down fall of my post high school career. With to much drinking, lack of motivation(academically)and my pure laziness, I went from a college to the the college of hard knocks)

Now I would not change anything that I have done in the past. I have been married for 13 years, I have 5 kids, I am as healthy as I think I can be. I am also and most importantly ......Happy.

When I left college, I went into construction. I have done everything from framing houses to landscaping to very large commercial buildings. I think I have done almost everything in between.

The reason that I have told you all this is because sometimes when the weather is at it's extremes I wonder if the path I have chosen is the correct one. Today was one of those days. 97 degrees with a heat index of 106.

I think I did ok.


Laura The Crazy Mama said...

Hi, I was looking over your blog and I didn't quite find what I was looking for. I'm looking for a way to make my husband not have to work in 106 degree heat and still use his creative and responsible energies in a way that won't kill him before he's 50 years old...I did find this though... a place where you can be appreciated and loved...go to made zero dollars last month having fun!

Turtle Town Press said...

Hey, at least you don't work in an office with an asbestos ridden ceiling that flakes off every time you open and shut the door, oh, and not to mention that it's Ally McBeal style and co-ed.

Higher education doesn't always pay off when it comes to working conditions. Roll that one in your pipe and smoke it.

Kat said...

Wandered in around sitting here in my air conditioned/rain proof office w/ my foot heater on 'cause I'm a little chilly...drinking the Culligan water so I'll need a bathroom break in a few--I'll head off to the SEPARATE bathrooms. Man, I never knew I had it so good.